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Miért becsült az ár?
Az ár azért becsült, mert a rendelés pillanatában nem lehet pontosan tudni, hogy a beérkezéskor milyen lesz a Forint árfolyama az adott termék eredeti devizájához képest. Ha a Forint romlana, kissé többet, ha javulna, kissé kevesebbet kell majd fizetnie.
Miért nem adják meg egészen pontosan a beszerzés időigényét?
A beszerzés időigényét az eddigi tapasztalatokra alapozva adjuk meg. Azért becsült, mert a terméket külföldről hozzuk be, így a kiadó kiszolgálásának pillanatnyi gyorsaságától is függ A megadottnál gyorsabb és lassabb szállítás is elképzelhető, de mindent megteszünk, hogy Ön a lehető leghamarabb jusson hozzá a termékhez.
Hosszú leírás:
The author and his colleagues have been applying themselves for nearly half a century to the theoretical and practical questions of collecting with light traps. This work is a summary of findings established by the author either on his own or in a joint effort with his colleagues. As far I know, nowhere in the world has a book of similar proportions published on the subject. Each of the eleven chapters of this prodromus work follows a similar structure. Each chapter begins with a survey of the literature published in Hungary and abroad, to be followed by a description of materials and methods and ending with the finds and their analysis. The threshold values of illumination at the start and end of the moths’ flight to light, the hourly distribution of the specimens of moth species active during the night, the relationship between the lunar phases and the beginning of swarming and the behaviour of insects in response to various artificial sources of light are all discussed in detail. Finally, a separate chapter is devoted to the new findings of the past few decades. Yet another chapter contains the definitions and explanations of the technical expressions of major and lesser importance. A bibliography that can be said to be absolutely unique int he world lists the studies on colllecting with light trap written in Hungary and abroad. This book of a logical structure written in an excellent style can be extremely useful for anyone with an interest in collecting with light trap, for teachers of plant protection zoology, and not in the last place, for university students. By offering a vast amount of information on the insects flying to light, it may be of invaluable help in the prognostics of agricultural pests. Prof. Dr. Gyula Sáringer Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
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