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Miért becsült az ár?
Az ár azért becsült, mert a rendelés pillanatában nem lehet pontosan tudni, hogy a beérkezéskor milyen lesz a Forint árfolyama az adott termék eredeti devizájához képest. Ha a Forint romlana, kissé többet, ha javulna, kissé kevesebbet kell majd fizetnie.
Miért nem adják meg egészen pontosan a beszerzés időigényét?
A beszerzés időigényét az eddigi tapasztalatokra alapozva adjuk meg. Azért becsült, mert a terméket külföldről hozzuk be, így a kiadó kiszolgálásának pillanatnyi gyorsaságától is függ A megadottnál gyorsabb és lassabb szállítás is elképzelhető, de mindent megteszünk, hogy Ön a lehető leghamarabb jusson hozzá a termékhez.
Rövid leírás:
Mourning of the families and a fresh start posed serious challenges to survivors. In order to be able to continue their lives after the terrible ordeals, they had to settle the internal affairs of their families.
Hosszú leírás:
Children, who experienced the end of the war separated from their blood families and without their relatives, hence have lost or become insecure in their identities, were in a unique situation. Some of the studies deal with memory, mnemonics to facilitate the recollection of memories, but there are texts also about the struggles of the emigrated descendants of the upper middle class Jenő Vida, who have attempted fruitlessly to regain the artefacts of the family, about the quest for children with missing or deprived identities, about the fate of juveniles returning from the Strasshof concentration camp in Austria, and about the difficulties of children surviving in truncated families. A separate study is about Christian-Jewish mixed marriages, which in sociological approaches can be interpreted as one of the phenomena of the assimilation project, but interviews and recollections emphasize the free choice of young people and their quest for a new secular identity. Finally, a dissertation presents visual documents of the era, photographs of Jews during the war and immediately after the war, preserved partly in family albums, partly in photos commissioned by the Joint Distribution Committee.
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